Dr. Olivera’s Weight Loss Advice

Dr. Olivera’s Weight Loss Advice

Advice on how to lose weight frequently comes from friends, colleagues, television shows and ads, radio shows, and so on, but few people have actually heard weight loss advice from a physician specializing in weight loss.  Dr. Olivera and the team of medical professionals at his weight loss center have been helping people overcome challenges and lose weight for nearly 40 years.

Dr. Olivera is committed to the philosophy that nutrition is the foundation of health. He believes in healthy eating to avoid the development of illness, rather than just treating diseases. Dr. Olivera firmly believes that

“small changes can make a big difference.”

Dr. Olivera’s advice to people who want to start losing weight is to progressively make small changes.  In other words, make small change, master it, then move on to another small change.  Rely on experts, like the staff at Olivera Weight Loss, to help you decide which changes will be the most effective in helping you lose weight.  Focusing on smaller changes will help you stay motivated, rather than focusing on dramatic changes that are nearly impossible to maintain.  For example, eat one more cup of vegetables per day or quit drinking soda or start exercising for 15 minutes every day.  Choose one and get started!

Dr. Olivera strives to inspire patients achieve long term weight loss success.  “The more information we can give people in terms of healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition empowers them to control how they eat, what they eat, the way they think about eating, which ultimately leads them to a healthier lifestyle. ” – Dr. Olivera

“We are not a program based just on appetite suppressant medication.  Our program incorporates instruction on exercise, instruction on healthy eating, healthy lifestyle choices and it doesn’t have to be a big change to make an important difference.  You have to make the first step to want to change the way you eat and the way you think about eating. ” – Dr. Olivera

One of the rewarding aspects of working as a physician specializing in weight loss is when “people thank us for getting them started on their healthy changes and healthy lifestyle.” 

For more information on Dr. Olivera’s credentials, click here.

Olivera Weight Loss specializes in helping people lose weight.

We use research-proven strategies, approaches and tools to help our patients achieve successful weight loss.  We offer a variety of services to meet your needs.  In our remote Nutrition Consultations, our Registered Dietitian develops a plan customized to meet your needs without you ever having to leave your home.  Phentermine, an FDA approved appetite suppressant proven to help patients lose weight, is available at Olivera Weight Loss for patients who qualify.  We offer all services in a caring, supportive environment. For more information on pricing and our other services, please visit our webpage or give us a call at 773-327-6624.  Follow us on Facebook for free weight loss tips, recipes and more.

*Please note, appointments are required for new patients and strongly encouraged for returning patients to minimize wait times.*

Dr. Arturo Olivera

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